
Jarsy First-Gen immigrant Fintech Scholarship

Jarsy First-Gen immigrant Fintech Scholarship

The Jarsy First-Gen Immigrant Fintech Scholarship Program is open to full-time college students who are first-generation immigrants studying finance or computer science. We announce the recipients of each year’s scholarship in October.

The Jarsy First-Gen Immigrant Fintech Scholarship Program is open to full-time college students who are first-generation immigrants studying finance or computer science. We announce the recipients of each year’s scholarship in October.

Apply Now

Jarsy is an innovative investment platform founded by three first-generation immigrants to the U.S. with backgrounds in computer science and finance.


First-Gen immigrant student with legal Visa status and studying in US

First-Gen immigrant student with legal Visa status and studying in US

Major in Finance or Computer Science undergraduate student

Major in Finance or Computer Science undergraduate student

Minimum GPA OF 3.5

Minimum GPA OF 3.5

Application process

Send an email to scholarship@getjarsy.com with your EDU email address with the following information:

Send an email to scholarship@getjarsy.com with your EDU email address with the following information:


Jarsy First-Gen immigrant Fintech Scholarship Application for {Your_Name}

Jarsy First-Gen immigrant Fintech Scholarship Application for {Your_Name}

to: scholarship@getjarsy.com

to: scholarship@getjarsy.com

First / Last Name

Major and Class

Mailing address that is able to receive check

First / Last Name

Major and Class

Mailing address that is able to receive check

A letter telling about yourself, any experience you may have had in your chosen field, your studies and your educational goals. Include anything else you consider helpful.

A signed recommendation letter from your major professor 

A signed recommendation letter from your major professor 

A digital copy of your latest transcript

A digital copy of your latest transcript

Scholarship Awards

We offer three $1,000 college scholarships annually to three recipients.


The application deadline is  September 30 each year.


Direct all questions to cshen@getjarsy.com.

Our passion for these fields drives our mission to democratize exclusive investment opportunities for everyone.

Our passion for these fields drives our mission to democratize exclusive investment opportunities for everyone.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Jarsy is an innovative investment platform founded by three first-generation immigrants to the U.S. with backgrounds in computer science and finance. Our passion for these fields drives our mission to democratize exclusive investment opportunities for everyone.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

To support our mission, we have launched the Jarsy First-Gen Immigrant Fintech Scholarship Program. This program aims to encourage first-generation immigrant students majoring in computer science or finance to use their skills and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.

本门户由 Jarsy, Inc.("Jarsy")运营,Jarsy 并不是注册的经纪-交易商或投资顾问。Jarsy 不提供关于本门户上显示的任何资产的投资建议、认可或推荐。本门户上的任何内容均不应被视为出售的要约、购买要约的请求或就证券的推荐。您有责任根据您的个人投资目标、财务状况和风险承受能力,确定任何投资、投资策略或相关交易是否适合您。您应咨询持牌法律专业人士和投资顾问,以获得任何法律、税务、保险或投资建议。Jarsy 不保证本网站上发布的任何投资机会的投资表现、结果或资本回报。通过访问本门户和其中的任何页面,您同意受门户为您提供的条款和政策的约束。在投资中涉及风险,并可能导致部分或全部损失。通过访问本网站,投资者理解并承认 1)投资一般而言,无论是在私人股权、股票市场还是房地产,都是有风险和不可预测的; 2)市场有其波动; 3)您所参与的投资可能不会产生正现金流或如您所期望的那样表现; 4)您投资的任何资产的价值可能随时下降,未来价值不可预测。在做出投资决策之前,建议潜在投资者查看所有可用信息并与他们的税务和法律顾问咨询。Jarsy 不提供关于本门户上发布的任何要约的投资建议或推荐。本文件中的任何与投资相关的信息均来自 Jarsy 认为可靠的来源,但我们对此类信息的准确性或完整性不作任何声明或保证,并因此不承担任何责任。链接到第三方网站或复制第三方文章并不构成 Jarsy 对所链接或复制内容的批准或认可。

本门户由 Jarsy, Inc.("Jarsy")运营,Jarsy 并不是注册的经纪-交易商或投资顾问。Jarsy 不提供关于本门户上显示的任何资产的投资建议、认可或推荐。本门户上的任何内容均不应被视为出售的要约、购买要约的请求或就证券的推荐。您有责任根据您的个人投资目标、财务状况和风险承受能力,确定任何投资、投资策略或相关交易是否适合您。您应咨询持牌法律专业人士和投资顾问,以获得任何法律、税务、保险或投资建议。Jarsy 不保证本网站上发布的任何投资机会的投资表现、结果或资本回报。通过访问本门户和其中的任何页面,您同意受门户为您提供的条款和政策的约束。在投资中涉及风险,并可能导致部分或全部损失。通过访问本网站,投资者理解并承认 1)投资一般而言,无论是在私人股权、股票市场还是房地产,都是有风险和不可预测的; 2)市场有其波动; 3)您所参与的投资可能不会产生正现金流或如您所期望的那样表现; 4)您投资的任何资产的价值可能随时下降,未来价值不可预测。在做出投资决策之前,建议潜在投资者查看所有可用信息并与他们的税务和法律顾问咨询。Jarsy 不提供关于本门户上发布的任何要约的投资建议或推荐。本文件中的任何与投资相关的信息均来自 Jarsy 认为可靠的来源,但我们对此类信息的准确性或完整性不作任何声明或保证,并因此不承担任何责任。链接到第三方网站或复制第三方文章并不构成 Jarsy 对所链接或复制内容的批准或认可。